Chasin Tails Guide Service features guided trips on these Southern Oregon Rivers
The Rogue River | The Umpqua River | The Coos River | The Coquille River | The Elk River | The Sixes River | The Chetco River
Winter Steelhead / December — April
Fishing for the hard fighting chrome bullets we call Winter Steelhead on the Umpqua, Rogue, Elk, Sixes, Coquille, and Chetco Rivers. We start targeting Steelhead around Christmas and fish right to the end of April. I target these fish from my heated Willie Drift Boat mainly side-drifting and pulling small plugs for the pound for pound hardest fighting fish in our rivers!
Spring Salmon / April — July
Fishing the World Famous Rogue River for its one of a kind Spring Chinook Salmon is one of the most exciting times of the year. Fishing for Spring Chinook starts in late March and continues through July. I begin targeting these fish in the Lower Rogue near Gold Beach in March and April and chase them up river to Shady Cove in May, June and July. These are by far the best tasting Salmon available due to their high fat content and their fight is unmatched. We accommodate up to 4 people in March and April and 2 people in May, June and July. Fishing is done by anchoring in travel lanes just above tidewater in the early season. As we follow the fish upstream we change tactics to back-bouncing salmon roe and back-trolling kwikfish near Shady Cove to entice bites from these prize salmon!
Summer Chinook / July — August
Fishing for big Summer Chinook in the Rogue, Umpqua, Coquille and Coos Rivers. We target these brute chinook salmon as they enter the river mouths in tidewater by trolling anchovies or herring. If you want to escape the often overwhelming inland heat and spend time with friends and family this is fishery for you! Kickback in custom high back captains chairs while we troll the estuaries of these rivers in search of BIG Chinooks. Fishing is done from my 22′ Willie Predator and can comfortably fish 4 people. Fish range from 15-50lbs!!! And being so fresh from the ocean there isnt a better fight or better eating fish around! Fishing starts the 4th of July and goes through October.
Summer Steelhead / October — November
Fishing the Upper Rogue River for Summer Steelhead from October through December. This fishery is in the upper most reaches of the Rogue River near Shady Cove. We start by fly fishing these chrome bullets in October and move to conventional sidedrifing gear and pulling plugs in November. November 1st is the bait opener and can be easy double digit fishing for these scrappy steelhead and fishing remains good till the first of the year. When the rivers on the coast are blown out or low and clear for Fall Chinook we can target these fish and have a great time!
Fall Chinook / October — December
The GIANTS of the Fall. One of my favorite times of year. Fishing the Chetco, Elk and Sixes from my Willie Drift Boat. This a short season that starts in Late October and runs till Christmas. This fishery is rain dependent and can be challenging to predict but the magical days of good water conditions are some of the best salmon fishing you will ever experience. These are the largest salmon of the year and fish to 50 pounds are not uncommon with the average size being 20-30 pounds. We target these fish by pulling plugs, backbouncing roe, and bobber fishing roe.
Important Note About Fish Retention
ALL Wild Steelhead will be released on my boat starting effective 2015 even in rivers where retention is allowed!
These fish are our future and are to be treated with care. Pictures will be taken and fish released quickly. Also Wild Salmon over 40lbs will also be released.
If these policies bother you please look elsewhere. As a guide I want to provide you with these amazing experiences for years to come and feel I need to do my part to insure that. Also I keep the roe/eggs from retained female fish caught on trips to use for the next clients. If you would like to keep your roe please specify before the trip so I know ahead of time! I have no problem with that!
Chasin’ Tails Guide Service is an equal opportunity recreation service provider and operates under special use permit with the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest and Six Rivers National Forest.